5 ☆☆☆☆☆ rated Marin Criminal Attorney (415)378-4133

Sonoma DUI Attorney

"Attorney Rodriguez, got me a DRY on a .10 .10 at trial, he saved my job and my license.  I highly, highly recommend him to anyone facing a Hayward DUI charge!"  - Fredi U., client!

(415) 378-4133 call for a free consultation

If you have been arrested for a Hayward DUI, a San Leandro DUI, or a DUI anywhere in Alameda County, you must know the following:

  • You must call DMV within ten days of arrest or lose your license!
  • You must call Hayward DUI Attorney Francisco Rodriguez, for a free consultation and to set up the DMV hearing!
  • Do not miss your court date, a misdemeanor warrant will be issued for you!
  • Give yourself plenty of time to get there, the metal detector line is long and can eat up 20 minutes of your time!
  • Do not plead guilty at arraignment!  Plenty of time to do so later and nothing will change.
  • Talk to someone who is familiar with the Judges and the Prosecutors.
  • More importantly, Hayward DUI Attorney, Francisco Rodriguez, knows the science to defend a DUI charge!
  • Don't base your case on the numbers!

Call DUI Attorney, Francisco Rodriguez, now for an honest evaluation of your case.  He knows the players, the law and the science!