
Marin County Speeding Ticket Attorney


(415) 378-4133

Speeding tickets make up the majority of the all traffic court cases in San Francisco, Marin, Oakland, Hayward, Richmond, San Mateo, and all other Northern California Courts.  Most speeding violations are covered by the following vehicle Code sections:

  • Vehicle Code section 22349 - speeding over 65
  • Vehicle Code section 22350 - speeding over the posted speed limit
  • Vehicle Code section 22348 - speeding over 100 mph
  • Vehicle Code section 22370 - Speeding over 70 mph

All of these violations carry a minimum point count of 1, with 22348 carrying a point count of 2.  The goal on any traffic case is to acquire a not guilty finding, or a resolution which will not put points on your driving record (four points in one year, six in two and eight in three, will get you suspended for having too many points with the DMV), or allow your insurance company to raise your rates.

Defenses to speeding often involve attacking the use of Radar, Lidar, airplane measurements, pace and the so called "visual observation by the Police Officer".  Often a Traffic Engineering Survey must also be produced.  Traffic Attorney, Francisco Rodriguez, is extremely knowledgeable with all instruments used by law enforcement agencies, as well as all Traffic Engineering requirements.  

Our firm has an unsurpassed record in defending traffic tickets in all Northern California Courts. Traffic Ticket Attorney Francisco Rodriguez has been fighting speeding cases for over 14 years.  He is considered by many to be the leading authority in traffic ticket defense in California.  He has single handedly prevented hundreds of points from his client's record; saved thousands of dollars in insurance fees and most important, has kept Client's on the job!

If you have been given a traffic ticket and want the best traffic ticket attorney on your side, call now for a free consultation with Traffic Attorney Francisco Rodriguez: (415) 378-4133


Here is blurb on the latestest CHP lidar units being used:

"These units are the Pro Laser III, LTI Ultralyte, LTI TruSpeed, Stalker LZ1.  3 out of the 4 units have a beam size of 3' wide at a distance of 1000'. The best unit that CHP utilizes, the LTI TrueSpeed has a beam size of 2.5' wide at a distance of 1000'.  According to what Officer Birmingham wrote on my ticket, the distance that my accused speed was acquired was at a distance of 1621'. According to my lidar certified CHP officer friend, at 1621' it is almost impossible for a lidar to get an accurate reading of a motorcycle. The size of the beam even with the CHP's best Lidar unit, the LTI TrueSpeed, would have been 4 feet and .63 inches wide at the distance of 1621 feet. With their standard Lidar units, the beam size would be 4 feet 10.3 inches at 1621 feet."

While this information is not completely accurate, it is as close as you can get without the testimony of an expert.